We are here to create a more beautiful, HEALTHY, and verdant earth

All Natural Fertilizer

100% Pet and Family Safe (no other lawn company can say this)

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Why is my lawn looking sad?

It’s likely from a combination of issues including compaction, under/overwatering, drought, grubs, sidewalk salts, chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. All of these damage the soil and impact a plants ability to grow.

What you need to do is create a soil structure that is healthy with the right components to let plants thrive. This can be very hard to manage in soils that are heavy in sand or clay. We have a unique formula we use to make both soil types work like a nice loamy soil.

Each time toxic chemical fertilizers are applied they reset the microbes responsible for bringing the plants nutrients, and replaces them with NPK, which over time fills the soil with salts. This process naturally selects for weeds.

Going with a natural fertilizer like Xtreme Green you grow the microbial community, establish healthy soil structure and reduce compaction naturally. Our products intrinsically suppress weeds the same way nature has done it for millions of years. There is no better product on the market.

Our Patented Method

It's scientifically proven microbes are the most important ingredient to healthy plants and lawns.

We use a scientific approach to lawn care fertilization. We assess your soil, see what microbes are missing and create a plan to balance them. Why are soil microbes important?

Research shows microbial biomass is the leading indicator of soil health. Healthy soil equals healthy plants, which results in healthy humans.

Microbes increase the soil health and structure, naturally releasing the nutrients plants need. Using our patented method you can say goodbye to the toxic chemical fertilizers used in the past.

Our products are 100% kid/pet/family safe. Our commitment is to make the earth more healthy, verdant and beautiful. Join us in our quest!

What we do.

  • Grass growing in a field

    All Natural Premium Fertilizer

    The quality of fertilizer greatly influences the color of your lawn. Premium fertilizers keep chemicals in check, and don’t burn your lawns.

  • Organic Soil Conditioner

    The quality of your lawn begins with the billions of microbes that break down the nutrients for the grass to use. Do your lawn the ultimate service and support your local microbes! Your lawn will thank you.

  • Water droplet on leaf

    Compaction Buster Liquid Aeration

    Out with the old, in with the new. Liquid aeration goes deeper, covers more surface area, and produces better results than traditional aeration, plus it doesn’t spread fungus. Wins all around!

Tree with healthy green grass around it

Make it stand out.

Lawn Fertilizer Benefits

Our unique lawn fertilizers create a healthy green lawn, generate healthy soil while keeping your lawn weed free.

Are You Ready For A Truly Healthy Lawn and Yard?

When you truly invest in a healthy lawn here is what you can expect to get in return:

  • No more guessing what your lawn needs

  • Organic Lawn Fertilizer

  • Balanced Soil with increased plant nutrients

  • Completely Safe For Children, Pets & The Environment

  • No toxins or harmful chemicals, no herbicides, no strong oils

  • Premium, All Natural, Quality Lawn Care Products

  • Deeper roots, and greatly decreased watering needs

  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


“Green grass from a good guy. Cody is helpful and gives his advice and we like your rates.”

— Paul O.

“Cody is doing an amazing job on my yard and is a great person. I will recommend him and his company to any and all of my friends and family! Thank You!”

— Darrin R.

“Did a good job and very nice.”

— Ruth H.

Generations of Expertise


My grandfather started Willowwood Turf in 1978. Some of my favorite memories come from working on that farm. As a 5th generation farmer I have learned and studied soil and plants my whole life. Since then the family has grown it into Red Desert Sod and All-American Sod farms to serve Utah’s sod needs.

My B.S. in Biology and Chemistry and my MBA in executive business set me apart from other business owners in the field. I have searched and learned from the leading minds in organic farming, and organic fertilizing to bring these products to you.

We use microscopes to assess your soil and develop a customized plan to bring your soil back into balance. Once it is balanced we maintain that balance so no weeds grow, and your soil retains water.

Through extensive research we have created customized healthy fertilizers for the sand and clay heavy soils of Utah. This quality eco-friendly fertilizer is more effective than any other brand!

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.